I've dabbled in yoga most of my adult life - joining classes here and there, but then dropping out because of some strain or injury. All that changed when I got introduced to Kripalu yoga. This looked the same as any yoga class on the surface, but had a whole different focus. No longer was I trying to achieve some tricky pose to add another notch to my yoga belt. Instead it became a journey of listening to my body and feeling my way into the different movements. It was less about the outer form and more about getting to know how my body moved in an optimal way. This new focus has kept me from overdoing. It's so kind and compassionate and honors the body just where it's at. This is a wonderful way to do yoga - and life. I became certified as a Kripalu yoga instructor in 2017 and have been teaching ever since. I love sharing this style of yoga and helping people discover a sense of well being within their own body. I hope you give it a try and see for yourself.

My Yoga Story

My Meditation Story
My first experience with meditation was in Thailand while I was on a study abroad progarm in college. It was so boring I thought I'd go mad. Clearly this wasn't for me so I bolted early.
Over time I kept getting exposed to different styles of meditation and the practice began to grow on me. Eventually I found a good fit with mindfulness meditation. I studied with Jon Kabat-Zinn and really appreciated the research done documenting the beneficial effects of mindfulness meditation. I've added a few tricks to help people like me who have a busy mind and get bored or distracted easily. I've being teaching meditation to all age groups for over 15 years and no one has fallen asleep yet in my class!